Weddings and Funerals
Both weddings and funerals mark significant passages through life, and the information below is intended to help you plan for these important days.
Weddings are public celebrations of the Church that signal the new foundation of a community within the community of the Church. Because weddings in the Church reflect this, St. Paul-Reformation only marries members of this community. You can learn more about membership by clicking here. The sanctuary is not rented to non-members, because the liturgy is not a rental arrangement; it is a public celebration of the Church's praise.

Several things are required for weddings to take place:
2. Participation in pre-marital counseling, including the Prepare/Enrich Inventory.
St. Paul-Reformation is happy to marry same-sex couples, following the above guidelines.
The Wedding Handbook - which details policies more specifically - can be found by clicking here.
Funerals are the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord; they are first commemorations of Jesus' triumph over death, and secondarily a celebration of the deceased as now participating in those mysteries. The Funeral Information Sheet and Fee Schedule can be accessed by clicking here.